Max Oscar Arnold Award

Last December we were contacted by the cultural senate of the city of Neustadt bei Coburg, Germany informing that the city had chosen us to receive the Max Oscar Arnold award for Contemporary art in “Category 13: The best complete works of an established artist.” We were invited to come to Germany to exhibit our works during the Max Oscar Arnold Exhibition, as part of the International Doll Festival in Neustadt and Sonneberg, and to attend the Award Ceremony to receive the golden Max Oscar Arnold statue, prize money of 2,500 euros and a certificate. Award winners were announced during the May 9th, 2018 ceremony so we had to wait to make a public announcement until after the event.

Max Oscar Arnold Awrd

Max Oscar Arnold award

The Cultural Senate of the city had nominated us in this Special Category by meeting the following criteria among others:

– handcrafted to perfection
– longstanding, continuous creation of dolls, figures and objects
– versatility with regard to the selection of topics
– versatility with regard to the selection of materials
– reputation and name recognition
– the artist is a member of NIADA

The Award presentation held at the Mehrzweckhalle Heubischer Straße was remarkable, complete with an orchestra playing original pieces. Each applicant received a certificate and beautifully decorated chocolate before the awards presentation. There were a total of 17 award winners in 14 categories, each receiving a Max Oscar Arnold statue, presented by the Lord Mayor Frank Rebhan of Neustadt bei Coburg, a certificate, and flower bouquet.

We wish to thank the city of Neustadt bei Coburg. This was truly an honour, we could not be more pleased to receive this prestigious award.

Information about the Max Oscar Arnold Award – Click Here

Following the Award ceremony, we were interviewed by local news station NECTV. See the video below or click on this link:


Above is a photo of the attending prize winners and representatives.
Click the link for the full list of Prize Winners